The following are some of the projects that I have been involved in during my time at IIT Madras.
Incremental Timing and Common Path Pessimism Removal (CPPR) Analysis
- The project included developing a unified academic tool for timing verification to analyze and ensure slack integrity and timing closure in VLSI design flow.
- Developed a timer that supported incremental changes to a circuit (in standard industrial formats), performed fast timing analysis to the affected regions and removed pessimism due to common data and clock paths (CPPR) using least time and resources.
- Developed novel techniques to identify and report worst slack paths in a circuit.
- The timer won international 3rd place in TAU 2015 Contest and was presented at ICCAD 2015.
iitRACE: Incremental Timing Analysis Engine
Master Thesis Project Jun 15 - Present
- The project includes developing a multi-threaded implementation for incremental timing framework.
- Developed effective pruning techniques to make timing analysis faster without compromising on memory usage.
- Currently working to include gate-sizing and threshold-voltage swap for leakage power optimization in the tool.
Radiation Pattern Measurement System for Automotive Radar
Project Intern, Wireless Connectivity Solutions, Texas Instruments May - July 14
- Developed an automatic radar positioning system for radar modules testing.
- The module provides easy control of radar position in 3D space with angular position error less than 1 degree in both horizontal and vertical plane and range error less than 1 mm.
- It is now used to test characteristics of automotive radars used for automatic car parking.
Solar Charger for Hearing Aid Devices
Project Intern, Flexitron India May - July 13
- Developed a pocket solar charger for R13 size batteries used in BTE Hearing aid.
- Designed energy efficient circuits for dual mode charging (AC as well as Solar).
- The product won National Award for the Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities 2013.
- The product is now produced in mass volumes and supplied to health organizations all over India.
Key Course Projects
The following are some of the relevant course projects that I have been involved in the past.
Systolic Arrays in Bluespec
Course: CAD for VLSI Systems Aug - Nov 15
- Designed and analysed different architectures of matrix-matrix multiplication using systolic arrays and implemented using Xilinx ISE
- Characterised pareto optimal nature of different solutions based on throughput and clock frequency
Hardware modeling and FPGA Implementation
Course: VLSI Design Lab Jan - May 15
- Implemented 8-bit MIPS with 9 instructions and 3 instruction formats on Spartan 3E FPGA board [Project Repo]
- Implemented a complete ADC-FIR-DAC design [Project Repo]
Standard Cell Design and Layout
Course: Digital IC Design Aug - Nov 14
- Designed layouts of digital logic gates in MAGIC and simulated using Spice Opus
- Characterised standard cells for different input slews and load capacitance
String Matching Problem & Variants - Review Paper
Course: Data Structures & Algorithms Mar - May 14
- Reviewed the historical Knuth-Morris-Pratt (KMP) algorithm and other similar variants to find all occurrences of a given pattern string in a text
- Analysed the complexity of the algorithms and significance in real world applications
IC Design of a two stage fully differential operational amplifier
Course: Analog IC Design Mar - Apr 14
- Designed and simulated a two stage fully differential op-amp based on 180 nm technology
SPICE Circuit Simulator
Course: CAD Lab Aug - Nov 12
- Developed a circuit solver in C similar to SPICE for solving linear circuits
Voice to Text Converter
Yahoo Hack U 2013 Mar 13
- Developed software that converts voice input in a language to text field in other chosen language using available softwares of Google Voice Recognition and Google Translate